My name is Khalid Hussain Mir (also known as; Khalidgraphy) I am an Entrepreneur, Educator and Business Consultant brought up from the Balochistan province of Pakistan.

I’ve more than a decade of diversified experience in training consultancies, the Media industry, the non-profit sector, and eCommerce marketplaces.

Some of my Ventures/ Startups and/or Project I am leading as founder/co-founder are;

– PEEL TECH a Technology services company and an eLearning/ eCommerce educational Platform registered in the United Kingdom HMRC and SECP in Pakistan.

– JiWaja Logistics: a last-mile local delivery service based in Quetta, Pakistan

– an online platform for the provision of family planning, personal health care, and beauty products & service with privacy.

– Social Sangat Balochistan: a learning-based civil society/ non-profit organisation based in Jaffarabad, Balochistan.

Furthermore, I am a regular contributor to various local and national newspapers of print and online media. I also writes blogs online at “”


Q: What is Khalidgraphy, are you a photographer?
Ans: No, I am not a professional photographer at all, the KHALID’GRAPHY mean Khalid’s biography or all about Khalid (myself). In my opinion, in this digital world everything we post hereon Internet (publicly) is become part of our life/ identity, in this perspective I chosen this name for my ‘digital identity’, each & everything I post on digital world is becoming part of my ‘biography’.

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